At Ridge Junior Primary and Roots we realise that it is vital that we keep the administrative side of things up to date and in order. To that end some of the more important documents you might need are available here for download and review.
Name | Created Date | Modified Date | Type | Size |
28/02/2024 7:12 pm | 28/02/2024 7:13 pm | application/pdf | 297 KB | |
27/02/2024 11:46 am | 27/02/2024 11:46 am | application/pdf | 98 KB | |
12/03/2023 6:52 pm | 12/03/2023 6:52 pm | application/pdf | 197 KB | |
12/03/2023 6:52 pm | 12/03/2023 6:52 pm | application/pdf | 197 KB | |
27/02/2024 11:46 am | 27/02/2024 11:46 am | application/pdf | 314 KB |
Code of Conduct
The learners of Ridge Junior Primary School are expected to uphold our school motto of “Semper ad Optima” (Strive for the best). As ambassadors of our school we expect exemplary behavior at all times.
This School is committed to providing an environment for the delivery of quality teaching and learning by:
- Promoting the rights and safety of all learners, teachers and parents.
- Ensuring learners’ responsibility for their own actions and behaviours.
- Prohibiting all forms of unfair discrimination and intolerance.
- Eliminating disruptive and offensive conduct.
The Code of Conduct spells out the rules regarding learner behavior at the School and describes the disciplinary system to be implemented by the School concerning transgressions by learners. The Code of Conduct applies to all learners while they are on the School premises or when they are away from the School representing it or attending a School function.
Section 8(4) of the SA Schools Act provides that all learners attending a School are bound by the Code of Conduct of that School. All learners attending the School are expected to sign a statement of commitment to the Code of Conduct (Annexure A). The administration of the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of the Disciplinary Committee of the School.
- Maintenance and enforcement of discipline at Ridge Junior Primary School is an essential element of the school’s function and future existence .
- Our school has a long and proud tradition and learners are expected to uphold these values and to recognise the convictions, cultural traditions and especially the dignity of their fellow learners.
- Parents / Guardians and learners are therefore enjoined to assist the management and staff of the school in protecting these traditions and values and in ensuring that all learners, at all times, are able to freely explore their academic potential and sporting abilities in a safe, clean and law abiding environment.
- To this end, School rules and more particularly, a Code of Conduct has been drafted to guide the behaviour of the learners and those responsible for their conduct at school. This Code of Conduct is simply a set of rules by which the conduct of the learners at school is regulated.
By applying this code equally and fairly, misconduct or unacceptable behaviour will be discouraged, the fundamental rights of the School Community will be protected and a safe and disciplined environment for quality education will be ensured.
At Ridge Junior Primary School learners have:
- the right to be listened to and taken seriously;
- the responsibility to listen to others;
- the right to be respected and protected from harm;
- the responsibility to show others respect and caring;
- the right to make mistakes;
- the responsibility to learn from their mistakes;
- the right to receive attention for special needs;
- the right to be the best person possible;
- the right to have a safe and comfortable school;
- the responsibility to keep it clean and neat and treat it with respect;
- the right to be proud of their School, their family traditions and beliefs;
- the responsibility to respect the traditions of the School and other people;
- the right to work and learn without being disturbed by others;
- the responsibility to be considerate to others while at work;
- the right to be forgiven or given a second chance; and
- the responsibility to be forgiving and tolerant of others.
The School rules are intended to establish a disciplined and purposeful environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning at the School. Nothing shall exempt a learner from complying with the School rules. Ignorance of School rules is, therefore, not an acceptable excuse.
- Learners are expected at all times to behave in a courteous and considerate manner towards each other, all members of staff and visitors to the school.
- Learners are expected to abide by the School rules with regard to appearance and behaviour when representing the School both during School hours and after School hours, at School and away from Learners may not say or do anything that will discredit themselves or the School.
- No learner has the right at any time to behave in a manner that will disrupt the learning activity of other learners, or will cause another learner or an adult physical or emotional harm.
- The School will contact parents / guardians when a learner’s behaviour becomes a cause of concern and will endeavour, in a spirit of constructive partnership, to resolve the problem.
Parents / guardians, learners, teachers and School Governing Body (SGB) members are jointly responsible for ensuring that all learners attend School.
- If a learner does not attend School regularly, the relevant register teacher will report the absence of the learner to the parent and the Principal in writing. The register teacher must keep an accurate register of learner attendance and must keep copies of all communication to parents when absence from the classroom is reported.
- All learners are to arrive at School before the official starting time. Learners who are late for School will be marked absent as registers are completed at the beginning of each School day.
- Absence from a class, without the permission of the relevant register or subject teacher, is prohibited.
- Any absence from School must be covered by an absentee note from a parent / guardian.
- Should a learner be absent from School for a period of three (3) days or longer, this leave of absence must be supported by a letter from a medical doctor.
- Any absence from a formal examination, test or task must be supported by a letter from a medical doctor.
- No learner may leave the School during School hours without a letter from a parent / guardian, for good reason, requesting the release of their child, and the permission of the Principal from whom an exit note must be obtained.
- Truancy from School is prohibited.
- All learners will attend assembly for the full duration thereof.
Learners are expected to wear the official School uniform and appear neat and tidy at all times.
- No additions to the uniform that are not in accordance with the regulations will be allowed (e.g. beanies).
- No earrings, jewellery, accessories, coloured contact lenses or visible tattoos are allowed.
- No colouring of hair or wearing of exotic hairstyles is allowed.
- Fingernails must be kept trimmed short and clean at all times.
- During events that allow the wearing of casual wear, learners should wear neat, presentable clothes. Beachwear, tight-fitting clothes, clothes that are see-through and / or too revealing are not allowed. Hair, shoes and accessories should be neat at all times.
- Only learners that have applied, submitted relevant supporting documents and received the necessary permission from the School Governing Body, may deviate from official School uniform for religious and cultural reasons as contemplated in Part C paragraph 1 of this Code of Conduct.
The School will not be held responsible for theft of or damage to personal belongings on School premises (e.g. cell phones, bags, books and clothing).
- No cell phones, money or valuables may be brought to School;
- Learners may not bring computer games, iPods or similar electronic devices to School.
- Loitering and / or playing in and around the corridors and toilets is forbidden.
- Learners are required to observe official School hours: they must arrive at School before the 07h20 bell and may not leave the School until dismissed by a Staff member following the final bell.
- Any absence from School, during official hours, must be explained by a written note from the parent / guardian. Absence on medical grounds of 3 days or more must be explained by a doctor’s. These notes must be presented immediately on the learner’s return to School.
- Learners are expected to deliver all notices to parents promptly.
- Learners are expected to take pride in the School and to respect and protect its good reputation.
- The behaviour of all learners is expected to be exemplary at all times.
- Learners are expected to be friendly, courteous, tolerant, considerate and respectful in their dealings with the public, staff members, fellow learners and visitors to the School.
- Learners are expected to be responsible for their own possessions and to respect the possessions of others.
- Learners are expected to complete the work assigned to them to the best of their ability.
- Learners should respect the values and traditions of all cultural groups.
- Learners are expected to honour their extra-curricular commitments and any absence there from must be explained by a written note from the parent/guardian or doctor as the case may be.
- Learners are expected to be obedient and all reasonable instructions from the Principal, educators or staff members, must be carried out promptly and properly.
- Learners are expected to obey all other existing School rules and those, which from time to time may be incorporated or amended.